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An Epic Roadtrip

July is reply month according to the grandmaster of blog challenges which has me thinking, to start the month, "what's one fun thing I could share and then have other's reply with their own experiences?" It's simple and probably not as in depth as Robert had in mind but I thought it might get me (at least) into the spirit of the challenge. The first thing I thought of was the question:

What is the most epic roadtrip you've been on?

Note: Others beat me to the punch on this one, including the post Glastonbury or Bust by Alexandra Wolfe. So this post isn't technically a reply but in the same vein.

I'll share my most epic road trip:

Back in 2011 we were living in South Africa and working with a non-profit. As a part of the work my wife and I were drafted to help check up on some locations and piled into a van with two other couples, a single guy and a baby to head out.

Broadly speaking, we were driving from Cape Town to Zanzibar. That path kind of looks like this:

map of the journey between cape town and zanzibar

Only kind of though because we had a number of stops there and back.

We started out stopping in the Victoria Falls area of Zimbabwe to visit friends:

Victoria Falls

We then headed to the Zambian side for a brief stopover and continued the journey over to the Lake Malawi area of Malawi where we stayed a few days.

We then trekked to Dar Es Salaam to catch a ferry to the island of Zanzibar (where we stayed a few days). We followed a similar path on the way back, only we detoured through Namibia to spend a day in Etosha National Park.

Highlights were many:

Been on an epic road trip? Share it!

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