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Blaugust 2024: An Introduction


I participated in Weblogpomo 2024 and Junited 2024 and even managed to get a reply in for the July Reply challenge. I've enjoyed the challenges so decided to signup for Blaugust 2024 which is a similar posting challenge to write and create (hopefully good) content.

The first post is encouraged to be an introduction post but my first post ended up being a rant & warning not to weaponize people into enemies for political gain. My bad.

To make up for it, I'll make this something of an introduction.

Hi. I'm Brandon. This is today's version of my website. I've previously blogged at, and some other spaces.

I spent a decade and a half living overseas & I'm now re-discovering life in the US after returning to my nation of birth. I've worn a lot of different hats but most of it can be classified as either IT work or ministry work (with a brief stint in pharmacies in high school).

I love coaching & helping people think strategically & would spend all of my time on this if I could. I like to focus on leading from strengths alongside of helping people become aware of & overcome their challenges.

I'm forever a nerd & inspired deeply by Jesus (but I'm not always keen on the formal spaces that don't look anything like him).

This is wand3r, where I explore life and my thoughts and feelings amidst quite a bit of wandering. Feel welcome - Engage on Mastodon (or email) - Let me know your thoughts on any of it!

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