Autocorrect keeps wanting to change the title to "changeling" and maybe that's appropriate as things have changed. A lot. I'm going to try to let this be as accurate as possible of a record of those changes and what I've used and done to blog over the years.
- 2024-07-03: Added a fediverse creator tag per example here
- 2024-07-06: Added an /ai slash page.
- 2024-07-22: Added a Concerts page
- 2024-08-10: Added Community Echoes into the Post Template
- 2024-08-19: See changes outlined here
- 2024-09-08: Changed the upvote button to a star and centered it.
Early 2000s
- I originally did a Mambo blog (if anyone remembers that CMS) hosted in student space provided by my university I believe. I wasn't too much of a fan though and started my own tinkering:
- I dabbled with creating a flash gallery style site at one point.
- At one point I created my own PHP blog script.
- I eventually created my own Rails blog that was fun to do. It lasted longer than the others above.
Mid 2000s
- If memory serves me, this time period was mostly the aforementioned rails app with an eventual move to self-hosted Wordpress on shared hosting.
2010 - 2018ish
- Shared hosting with Wordpress was kind of a nightmare in this time period. If one install on a shared host got taken down, the others would as well. I got tired of dealing with it so I started exploring SaaS options.
- Posterous I liked a lot because you could just email in and it seemed really nice. Sadly it went the way of the dinosaur.
- Posthaven was similar and I used it for quite awhile. There thing was "your site will be online forever" and mine, at the posthaven subdomain, still is. It's an interesting trip down memory lane. I might move some posts over to my updated site but only where I'm confident I'd write it again today.
- I eventually settled on svbtle which is a nice low-key platform I used for quite awhile.
2018ish - Today
- Life got...interesting and blogging needs morphed and changed. I basically began to split needs between job related thoughts on one domain and more personal processing on this one, Up until this point, everything was on a single domain which I no longer use or maintain.
- I used for awhile. It worked OK for my blogging purposes and I liked the idea of a community as well. I never really felt like I fit there though and eventually moved away.
- From Jan 2023 til Late April 2024 I used
- is awesome and flexible and worth a consideration but I found the work involved inhibited my ability to write - I wanted something that promoted writing. When Scribbles released, I tried it and really enjoyed the experience. I feel like my site is better organized then it's ever been.
- I wanted something a little more customizable so have now landed on