Favorite SciFi Shows
Taking a cue from Alexandra's blog, I thought I'd share my favorite SciFi shows too! I love SciFi and these make up some of my absolute favorite shows.
Note: I'm leaving off superhero shows which could qualify as SciFi too.
==Continuum== - I loved this show. It featured a detective from the future, sent to the modern day, to apprehend criminals sent from the future to cause mayhem.
==Fringe== - Fringe was the perfect blend of ==X-Files== (another scifi show worth watching) and fringe science, following FBI agents dealing with unexplained cases.
==Stargate SG1== - Stargate was one of the first great scifi movies I remember watching in the theatre. This show (and the two it spawned: ==Stargate Atlantis== and ==Stargate Universe==) were wonderful continuations of the world building done in that movie. It's a frequent re-watch.
==Magicians== - I love the books this show is based on but appreciate the show for what it is as well.
==Babylon 5== - This is another frequent re-watch. It's campy and from the 90s but a great political exploration of life at the edge of the universe (with space stations and lots of different aliens and all sorts of intrigue).
==Star Trek: Strange New Worlds== and ==ST: Discovery== - I feel like these shows have done a great job of capturing the essence of adventure and exploration that comes with space. Definitely worth a watch if you can!
==Halo== - This is a recent watch and one that really surprised me. I had super low expectations, being based on a FPS video game but it was actually a really intriguing premise and watch. I wish the creators were able to finish the story (as it was canceled after something of a cliffhanger ending).
==Battlestar Galactica== - Really, really well done drama in space. Exodus pt 1 & 2 make for 2 of the best episodes of TV I've seen. The creators did a wonderful job of capturing humanity at the brink of extinction to rogue AI (the real kind, not LLMs).
==Firefly== - Serenity is one of my favorite movies and Firefly was a phenomenal show. It's the quintessential space western (with a side of zombie). Lots of fun to be had here.
==The Expanse== - The Expanse is another great book series turned show and is really well done for what it is. I'm actually do another watch through of this soon...
==Highlander== - I'll add this last one because I have such great memories of watching this with my grandma. She's the reason I'm into scifi so much and we used to watch this together whenever we visited her house.
What about you? What are your favorite scifi shows?
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