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Living overseas for 13 years unfortunately meant missing out on a lot of new music releases. As someone who has always loved music, this was a significant change for me. I went to lots of concerts, haunted indie record stores and listened loudly all the time during high school, college and post-college. I’m not always in tune with my emotions but music has always been a way for me to process what I'm feeling. During my time abroad though keeping up with the latest music became a challenge for several reasons.

For one, when we first moved internet access was limited and expensive. We had to monitor every gigabyte we used and pay for each one; accessible unlimited internet wasn’t an option for the first four to five years. Even when it became available, the connection was slow and streaming music was often difficult. For another, the types of music I enjoy, particularly post-hardcore, didn’t always fit well in our setting. This genre, known for its heavier sound and harsher vocals (while still being melodic!), is niche and not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love it.

Since moving back to the US and reintegrating into life here, I’ve enjoyed discovering the music I missed while we were overseas. One band I recently discovered is Frontier(s). They released an album in 2010 called There Will Be No Miracles Here that I’m really enjoying. The band is fronted by the lead singer of another favorite band of mine, Elliott.

Speaking of that, Elliott released an album called False Cathedrals in the early 2000s which is one of my all-time favorites. Listening to Frontier(s) brings back memories of college and makes me think about what Elliott could have become if they had continued in a harder direction. After False Cathedrals, Elliott’s albums leaned more towards an airy, ambient sound rather than the hard and heavy sound.

Back to Frontier(s) - I'm finding myself playing their album a lot, whether in the car or while working or hanging around the house. Their album is available on Apple Music, Spotify, and other music platforms, and I highly recommend checking it out. My favorite song on the album is “Bones” and it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite songs period. If you are following the Now Playing script at the bottom of these web pages, you’ll likely see “Bones” pop up periodically because it’s been on repeat for me lately.

Anyways - give Frontier(s) a try! You might just find a new favorite too (especially if you like post-hardcore, early 2000s emo or Elliott)! I hope you enjoy them as much as I am at the moment!