Perfect Albums
Early during #weblogpomo2024 Robb Knight shared what he considers to be his "perfect albums." He got this from Hemispheric Views 110 and a perfect album is defined as " album that you would say you could just start from beginning, let it run all the way through, without skipping songs, without moving around, just front to back and just sit there and do nothing else and just listen to that whole album."
This is a description I've been sitting with and thinking on and I wanted to share what I consider to be my perfect albums below:
- Take Me Back to Eden by Sleep Token - This is a newer-to-me find that I absolutely love listening to, start to finish. I don't think any of the songs should be skipped (but sometimes do have to skip the harder "Vore" if my family is in the car and complains). If you like Metal and don't mind some harsh vocals, this is well worth the listen.
- Blushing by Copeland - Jumping to a more indie rock style, I can't get enough of this entry by Copeland. It's the perfect chill album to put on and relax to.
- All Day by Girl Talk - If you are unfamiliar with Girl Talk, he's a DJ known for mashup albums. I actually probably won't be able to link to this one in Album Whale unfortunately. It's best to consider it one long song to turn on and then put on some good headphones to rock out to.
- Pretend Your Alive by Lovedrug - I hated this album my first listen. I then picked it up a couple of months later and it didn't leave my CD player for about a year because it just fit so well. I'm not sure what my issue was on first listen but it's the first one I thought of when I heard the phrase "perfect album".
- Behold by My Epic - Christian hard rock (so be aware of that if you look it up) but so incredibly good. It's definitely one of those I put on and listen from start to finish.
- Domestica by Cursive - Domestica is a dark post-hardcore/emo album but it's really really good. It's a concept album that follows the dissolution of a marriage (like I said, dark) but being a concept album helps it fit together really well.
- False Cathedrals by Elliott - This is one of finest emo albums you can find. It's just perfect start to finish.
Honorable Mentions:
- Love and Affection by All Things Bright And Beautiful (recently re-released as Lee Bozeman)
- Pinkerton by Weezer
- Brother by The Brilliance
- Mysterium by Hammock
I've made a list on Album Whale for easy access to the albums on apple music as well. Find it here (it is inclusive of honorable mentions but lacks All Day because I'm not sure how to add it to Album Whale).
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