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Remodel Underway - Site Refresh

These past few days I've been thinking a lot about my site design. I initially wrestled the base BearBlog theme into something I was excited about, added some design elements, brushed off my hands and moved on to writing.

As I've done the writing (and viewing it on the site) I noticed a number of things I wanted to improve to hopefully make it more visually appealing to me (and ideally you, a reader). I know I'm not going to be able to please everyone because we are all different and have our own design sensibilities and needs.

Ultimately, as a pet project for me, my design sensibilities and needs are prioritized but I am aiming to make the site:

The latter is a crapshoot I think but the former I'm guessing is going to be a consistently moving target. I'll learn something, try something, do my best at it and hope that it works (and then rinse, wash, repeat).

I think I'm making headway:

But feel free to offer suggestions (probably on Mastodon - see below). I do mean that.