Sunday (er...Monday) Review (7-21-24)
Last week was a thing. It happened. It started with a couple of days off and good intentions of re-finding myself. It mostly worked too. But then the week...happened.
At the start of the week my family was visiting my wife's family in Texas. They were to arrive back Wednesday evening but Spirit Airlines happened. Their day Wednesday was crazy and ended with them in a hotel in Texas, re-booked to fly the next day. At one point I was going to be driving to Charlotte to get them, at another point Raleigh, everything was just up in the air (which was especially difficult for my wife and kids).
They got in Thursday, finally, but no luggage in site. The Spirit baggage desk in Charlotte tried to find it in the system but couldn't find anything (which is never a good sign). She then tried to call the San Antonio office only to be told by someone in Dallas that San Antonio doesn't have phones and is a train wreck. So we were left to file a claim.
Friday, Crowdstrike was a thing and airports seemed to devolve further into chaos. No sign of the bag anywhere. Saturday? No bag updates. So, on Saturday my wife's family went to the airport in San Antonio to talk to someone in person with our details. They advocated until someone went into the bowels of the airport and found the bag and get it on a plane to NC. Thankfully, they delivered it to our house (although weirdly at 1:30 am this morning - it was a long night for me).
Oh and a sky tunnel light in our bathroom sprung a leak in a heavy rainstorm Saturday evening, so that's a thing now too. ANYWAYS...
What I wrote...
- epic roadtrip experience I had a number of years ago.
Links Worth Sharing
- This article on breaking DKIM & BIMI in 2024.
- A crowd sourced history of all the concerts anywhere. I want to spend some time exploring and compiling a list of the shows I've been to! #dreams
- A website carbon badge.
Here's mine:(the js wasn't working so I took it down) - I know making fun of cybertrucks is too easy but this made me laugh a lot.
Apps I'm Trying
- - I actually really like how this works. I get the object oriented approach naturally and I'm finding it to be a bit more graceful then hacking something similar in Obsidian.
What I Listened To:
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