Video Game Favs
May 12, 2024 — 04:01 I thought I'd share something I've enjoyed from the time I was a young boy: video games! To do that, I thought I'd share a list of my favorite games. It's not in order and it's not comprehensive but it does hold the ones that have really stood out to me over the years. After reading it, let me know your favorites as well! (just click social in the navigation bar)
- Xenoblade Chronicles 3: This is my most recent play. I actually got it for Christmas from my grandfather and enjoyed it bit by bit for most of January and February. Long story short: I loved it. This game is indicative of why I love JRPGs. Great story, lots to do and lots of side quests (I haven't 100% completed yet). I loved the visuals, how grand it felt and all of the little secrets to find. In some play sessions, I just loaded it up and explored (and I love a game that allows for this).
- Chained Echoes: This was my play through before XC3. It's also a JRPG but it's 16bit and (unbelievably) made my a solo dev. You can tell it's a real labor of love and is just a phenomenal game. It's not as long or expansive as XC3 and is a bit more linear but the game opens up a lot when you get access to some gear.
- A Link to the Past: This was the first Zelda game I played. It's an incredible top down adventure/action RPG. It's also one of the best SNES games. I played this first around junior high (and have played through a couple other times throughout the years).
- Tears of the Kingdom: Speaking of Zelda, I can't not mention TotK. It's an incredible adventure (even if it lacks a little on the story side). I love loading it up and exploring. My favorite moment in any video game was figuring out where the master sword was, building a contraption that could get me in proximity and then actually getting it. I won't give any spoilers beyond that; just know it was awesome.
- Starbound: 2D Minecraft with a galaxy to explore. This got a lot of play time on my old computer and I wish it was on the Switch as I'd play it again.
- Final Fantasy IX: I think this is my favorite Final Fantasy game. It was the last one I played on my playstation back in the day and I've played it again on iOS. The story and game play are fantastic.
- Star Ocean 2 Remake: Another JRPG. I played the original on Playstation back in the day and got the remake for my birthday last year. It's so much fun. It doesn't play as long for the main story but then you realize there are multiple endings depending on which characters you recruit and it opens right back up again. They did a phenomenal job with the remake and it's well worth looking into.
- Xenogears: Favorite JRPG? Yes. Favorite video game? Probably. I wish this would get a remake. XC3 above is actually a spiritual successor and carries over many of the themes but this meant a lot when I originally played through it (and as I said, I wish I could again).
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