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weblogpomo 2024 retrospective

Today marks the final day of the #weblogpomo2024 blogging challenge and I’m thrilled with what I’ve accomplished. My main aim was to post daily and re-engage with writing—a habit I’d lost over the years due to a busy life. I’m happy to report that I’ve managed to post almost every day, rekindling my love for writing in the process.

Although I'm uncertain if I’ll keep up the daily pace, I definitely want to incorporate frequent posts into my routine—perhaps several times a week. I’ve also had a great time enhancing my site, particularly integrating Scribbles and I love the community and its fun tools, and I really appreciate how easy blogging is with Scribbles (sorry With developing a new CMS system, I might consider migrating to it once it's ready. Regardless, this challenge has helped me fine-tune my site into something I love and enjoy updating and exploring.

Wrapping up, I want to share a link to my index of weblogpomo posts and also highlight some of my favorite entries from others during this challenge. I'll write more on my Pomo bot tomorrow but it’s exciting to note that over 1,100 posts were sent out in May! Anyways - enjoy this list of curated posts, and thank you for following along!

Looking forward to June, Robert Birming has the "write" idea with Junited - I'm tentatively planning to join in!