One of the things I've wanted to do is add a "Reply on Mastodon" button or link that would take you straight to a mastodon post on my timeline about the article in question.
The hard part about this is that those posts come after an article is published which makes automating things difficult. If it's not being automated, then remembering to do it can be a challenge as well. I think I've solved it though using PURLs on Adam just added a field that allows pass thru variables on any given purl which opens up a lot of possibilities.
In my case, I have need for a link to mastodon in the format of https://static-link/username/
*Wanna comment? You can do so [on mastodon](!*
Then, after echofeed posts the link on Mastodon I can go in and copy the numbers (which will look something like this: 112652280964527841) and come back and add them in like this:
*Wanna comment? You can do so [on mastodon](!*
Until I add them, the link will just forward to my Mastodon profile which works too for smaller posts I may not automatically share to Mastodon with echofeed. And to try it here:
Have a thought? Or comment? Reply on Mastodon!