Previously I shared my favorite Youtube listens and I thought I'd do the same with Podcasts. My podcast listens tend to be...different...then the YouTube channels I watch and I don't expect everyone to identify with these. But some might find something worth checking out here.
Podcast Jams
- Oh No Ross And Carrie: For a long time this has been my wife and I's favorite listen when the kids aren't around (there's adult talk and language so be warned if you have little ears around). There whole thing is investigating religion, fringe science, paranormal stuff and anything in between as if it were real. The show up, they try, they join and give it a fair shot and then report on it. Their Scientology series and Mormon church series are particularly note worthy. It's well worth a listen.
- Acidental Tech Podcast: The ATP is a great listen for (typically Apple focused) tech news. I don't catch every episode but It's always a joy to turn it on.
- William Branham Historical Research: This is a meaty podcast that covers the life of the charlatan that launched a lot of what is seen in pentecostal circles these days. It's deep, very well researched and uncovers the theological wasteland that needs serious examining.
- Feet of Clay: This podcast is done by two women who were involved in the founding and operating of Keith Green's ministry. There stories are captivating and help to describe how so many ministries operate these days.
- Bodies Behind The Bus: The BBtB podcast gives survivors of spiritual abuse (primarily from Acts 29 settings) a platform and voice to tell their stories. The name comes from an infamous sermon by the A29 founder Mark Driscoll (who claimed by the time his church was fully built that there would be a pile of bodies behind the bus of people who got in the way). Go and listen to the stories of survivors reclaiming their voices and agency.
- Heaven Bent: This is another exploration of the charismatic church. Each season focuses on a specific church setting. The latest season focuses on IHOPKC and started just a month or so before a massive scandal broke out there. Another one well worth a listen.
- The New Evangelicals: A more general topic faith based podcast that has many engaging episodes.
- True Believer - The Unsolved Murder of Elizabeth Mackintosh: A true crime podcast following the unsolved murder of a woman on a seminary campus in 1990.
- Veterans of Culture Wars: A great faith and culture podcast.
- The Blacksheep Podcast: Hosted by HM magazine, the Blacksheep podcast covers music. Mostly hard music. And mostly hard music that originated in Christian circles.