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The below posts are well worth a read. They are sometimes fun, sometimes thoughtful and sometimes quite deep. I found each to be worth sharing.

Currently posts cycle out once there are 60 40 posts ahead of them - this is to make room for new posts as time moves forward! I also plan to mark repeat blogs with stars as they tend to be favorite reads of mine.

Author or Site Link Notes
1. Robert Birming Blogging is Back Yes it is
2. Barry Hess Seeking Ikigai I really appreciated Barry's reflections on the concept of ikigai here.
3. Ben Tsai My Coffee Workflow If you were curious about making a great (maybe the best?) cup of coffee, this is the post for you.
4. Shrediverse The Rise of Sleep Token (Pt2) I love music and this is a really, really well done post about Sleep Token.
5. Adam Newbold The Discomfort Litmus Test Adam always makes really thoughtful posts. This one especially so. Read with an eye toward building your personal self-awareness.
6. Michael Burkhardt I'm Not Anti-AI Check it out for a great primer on AI and where it stands today.
7. Multi-layered Calendars A really deep and thoughtful exploration of the way we use calendars.
8. Lou Plummer Adults Making Friends I feel so much of this post about making friends. I'm pretty new to my area and don't have much in the way of in-person friendship yet but am definitely grateful for all of the acquaintances and friends I've made online.
9. Kerri Krueger Thai Peanut Curry This looks so tasty. I'm adding it into my recipe database to try sometime!
10. Jason’s Journals What JRPG Means To Me This reads like a love letter to the JRPG and I couldn't agree more.
11. Jedda Settling into my new notes home A number of folks I follow ended up migrating to BearBlog at the same time and it was really quite fun setting things up separately, yet a little bit together. This is a post about Jedda's process of moving to BearBlog.
12. jcrabapple On Relationships" His other blog Shrediverse is already on the list but I have to add this one as well. He offers a great bit of advice - it's not about having everything in common but having similar goals.
13. Alan Parish Favorites This is my favorite music blog and the author's favorite songs.
14. Alexandra Wolfe "What I Learned Visiting the US" I love posts like this highlighting peoples experience of culture. The playful ribbing is fun too!
15. Cole Blankenship "Profound Connections" Where in Cole asks, "What do you have a profound connection to?"
16. Keenan "Felt cute, might delete later" They launched their new site which is always fun!
17. Robb Knight "Highlighting Journalism With The Fediverse Creator Tag" Robb on adding this new meta tag on your site to display an author's profile in the fediverse.
18. Freya J. "You Might Be Autistic If..." This topic has been a family discussion for awhile for reasons and I found this list compelling. It's important hearing/learning/seeing other peoples experiences.
19. Keenan "I've Missed Sam For a Very Long Time" Just go and read this because it's some of the best writing I've read in awhile (and, this is pretty much always true of their blog).

For a list of other people's postrolls, check out Ryan Randall's list on his postroll!