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It's been a few weeks since I last got one of these out. Life has been busy. In short:

I think personally it's been challenging figuring out how and what to write with everything going on (said while waving hands wildly). A big part is wrestling with some new-to-me info and how it affects day-to-day life. In short I took the AQ test a couple of months ago because we've been exploring at some point getting one of my kids officially tested and it's known to be genetic. So...I took that initial test and got a really high score. Honestly I think it surprised no one (myself included); it's been a running family joke that my grandfather was probably undiagnosed AS and that I favored him strongly. Seeing the score is different than joking about the possibility though. On some days I feel all the better for it and others broken and unsure what to do (other than knowing for sure I'm not interested in paying lots of money for an official diagnosis). I'm pretty sure the latter is just my head/heart/feelings catching up to my body which is a process (especially I think for people that score high on this type of test); I can't really compartmentalize in the same way I used to. Anyways - it all makes writing more difficult. Although it'd probably be therapeutic to write a bit more.

Since the last one of these reviews I wrote about...

What I've Watched

What I've Listened To
