Another busy week as it was the kids last of the school year! Our daughter graduated 5th grader and became a middle schooler and our son finished 1st grade. Of note: our daughter had a number of distinctions in the graduation ceremony which was really special to see, including as a distinguished art student!
This past week I wrote about...
Mostly, I added to Junited 2024. Check it out for links to great posts! The one longer article I did write is a reflection on accountability and repair.
Interesting Links From The Week
- It's been fun setting up Bear and one of the fun things about it is that others I follow on Mastodon are doing it too!
- Bartender apparently was sold to new owners/developers and this handover was never communicated to customers which has seemed really shady. I stopped using it.
- This is fascinating - the CFO of Epoch Times was using it as a gigantic money laundering scheme. It's always seemed really shady and this only confirms that.
Apps I'm Trying
- Ice: I mentioned the issues with Bartender above. I've replaced it with the open-source (but not as feature rich) Ice.