May 17, 2024 — 04:01 I saw Robert Birming ask on Mastodon about the best way to catalogue their #weblogpomo2024 posts. The conclusion there was a roundup index page which I thought was a really good idea which I’m going to do as well. See below for the posts so far. I’m also going to update this at the very least at the end of the month to capture all of the posts (but probably won’t day by day).
#weblogpomo2024 - See below for my contributions!
- Weblogpomo2024 (The post that launched it for me)
- Meaningful Stories: Creating Pomo
- Meaningful Lyrics: Saturn by Sleeping At Last
- The Joy of Album Whale (So far, my most liked post about a great service you should check out)
- Sunday Review: 5-5-2024
- Meaningful Stories: The Painter
- Meaningful Quote: Einstein?
- Setup: Then & Now
- An Interests Page
- Meaningful Stories: 12:34
- Meaningful Lyrics: Driving Home
- Video Game Favs
- Sunday Review: 5-12-2024
- Working with Leftovers
- Meaningful Lyrics: Umbrellas by Sleeping at Last
- Main Youtube Views